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Identify your best prospects by company location, industry, and size
View complete company profiles with executive names, titles, and emails
Get instant counts, build and save lists of companies and contacts
Export profiles to your CRM or for mailing, telemarketing, and email campaigns
Locate top executives by name & title and sync with your address book
Collaborate with your sales team, share notes & information, generate reports
See parent company and headquarters relationships with family tree view
Discover a company's key competitors to maximize sales opportunities
Integration with popular apps like Salesforce, HubSpot, Google My Maps, & Bing Maps
Find and contact your best prospects with your personal AI Sales Assistant
Uncover hidden sales opportunities using our exclusive Intent Data
Clone your best customers and find thousands more like them with Customer Match
We can even do the cold calling for you with our Industrial Prospecting Services
Choose subscriptions from multiple versions to fit your needs & budget
Access your subscriptions in any browser on your PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone
IndustrySelect is a service of MNI, the industrial data source since 1912.