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Top U.S. Manufacturers of Industrial and Machine Tools

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Large man with mask works on a high-tech machine.


COVID-19 created a complete upheaval in manufacturing and global supply chains. The reshoring that had been proceeding at a set pace suddenly accelerated as American businesses pulled out of China, leading to high demand for domestic tool supply.

Further exacerbating the situation was the fact that many manufacturers were classified as critical infrastructure and continued to operate - but without a stable supply chain.

This led to companies struggling to time deliveries to match fluctuating production schedules, which then resulted in a depletion of certain products despite plenty of inventory that had not been shipped.

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Increased demand in the U.S. supply chain meant that the need for tools skyrocketed and the trend has continued in 2021, with the industry consistently ranking among the most popular search categories on the industrial marketplace IndustryNet, the tool industry is experiencing rapid growth in 2021. In fact, Fortune Business Insights projects the market for machine tools will hit $164 billion by the year 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate of 5.5%.

Today, we’re going to explore he rapidly-growing industrial tool market and examine some of the sector’s largest companies.

Latest Facts on the U.S. Tool Industry

According to MNI, compiler and publisher of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, there are currently 2,061 tool manufacturers in the U.S, including producers of machine tools and power-driven hand tools.

A high percentage of tool manufacturers (58%) distribute their products internationally, while 17% import taw materials to produce their products. This is compared to 29% of all manufacturers that distribute internationally and 11% that import raw materials. 5% of U.S. tool manufacturers are publicly-owned and 2% are women-owned.

Looking at geographic trends, the Midwest accounts for the most tool manufacturers at 47%, while the Northeast accounts for 20%. The U.S. South and Western are home to 17% and 15% of tool manufacturers, respectively.

Top 10 U.S. Industrial & Machine Tool Manufacturers

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Haas Automation, Inc.OxnardCA1,400
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.TowsonMD1,100
Ames True Temper, Inc.Camp HillPA1,000
US Synthetic Corp.OremUT1,000
Milwaukee Tool Corp.BrookfieldWI700
RIDGID Tool Co.ElyriaOH700
Wheeler Machinery Co.Salt Lake CityUT675
Makino, Inc.MasonOH650
AMADA America, Inc.Buena ParkCA620
MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc.MelvilleNY600

About the Top 10 U.S. Industrial & Machine Tool Manufacturers

Haas Automation, Inc.

In 1983, Gene Haas brought the first ever fully automatic and programmable collet indexer to market. This invention was the start of a product line that would make the name Haas synonymous with CNC machines.

Today, Haas has four product lines: vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers, rotary tables and CNC lathes.

All physical and electronic components are made in house to guarantee that their machines are of the highest quality.

Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

Ranked first in tools and storage based on total revenue, Black & Decker is well known to craftsmen worldwide. Less well known are their other product departments.

Among these are fastening, automotive and industrial repair, infrastructure, physical, virtual, and healthcare security.

Ames True Temper, Inc.

There are not many companies that can claim that they are older than the United States, but Ames True Temper definitely qualifies. Started in 1774, this company produced the colonies' first metal shovels.

A mere 246 years later, Ames has branched out into the manufacture of every non-powered lawn and garden tool imaginable.

An example of this dominance is seen in their market share of wheelbarrows - 85% of the wheelbarrows sold in the United States and Canada are produced by Ames.

U.S. Synthetic Corp.

Diamonds are a cutter's best friend, and U.S. Synthetic can help establish that friendship. With innovative proprietary methods of synthesizing polycrystalline diamonds under extreme pressures and temperatures, this company is able to deliver custom cutting tools for oil and gas exploring and mining operations.

Milwaukee Tool Corp.

Milwaukee Tool started in 1924 and is currently one of the largest handheld and power tool companies in the world.

They are unique among tool manufacturers in that they manufacture and engineer their own battery packs and motors in house.

This gives them a decided advantage over other companies that must rely on external suppliers for these critical parts.

Milwaukee is also embracing the future with digital solutions for tooling inventory, efficiency and job planning.


RIDGID Tool Company invented the modern pipe wrench back in 1923. Today, they still lead in tool innovation with dozens of patents to their name. Used by hundreds of trades and industries, RIDGID offers support in the form of training centers that help tradespeople get the most out of their tools.

Wheeler Machinery Co.

With a long history as a Caterpillar dealer, Wheeler Machinery Company provides the tools and machines needed by heavy-duty industries like mining, oil and gas, construction, power generation, demolition and agriculture.

They currently sell, rent and service over 400 different types of Caterpillar brand machines.

Makino, Inc.

Precision industries worldwide rely on the machine tools built by Makino, Inc. Their 650 employees are constantly searching for ways to increase efficiency.

In-house engineers can custom design solutions while their service department delivers everything from preventative maintenance to field retrofits to integration.

AMADA America, Inc.

Located in Buena Park, California, AMADA America specializes in sheet metal fabrication tools and machinery.

These include turret press punches, laser cutting systems, automated blanking and bending, and various welders.

In addition to hardware, they also offer an IoT software system named Influent that connects to any machine or tool they produce.

MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc.

MSC is defined by big numbers. This $2.9 billion company has over one million distinct products and over 3,000 suppliers.

Since 1941 they have specialized in products and services for MRO and metal working.

Contacting U.S. Industrial & Machine Tool Companies

Looking to sell to the industrial tool market? An IndustrySelect provides clients with touch-point data for potential leads, including direct executive contact information and other actionable data among 500,000 companies in the manufacturing and energy sector -- including tool and machine tool manufacturers. To learn more about how you can use IndustrySelect to generate reliable leads for your company, visit our website or start your free demo!

Looking for industrial tools? Search for industrial tools near you & request a quote on IndustryNet.

Editor's note: The article was originally published in May of 2020. It has been updated to reflect new data and statistics on the tool industry. 

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