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Top U.S. Manufacturers of Aluminum Extruded Products

Posted by IndustrySelect on Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Above: A look inside Tower Extrusions in Olney, TX, among the largest U.S. manufacturers of aluminum extruded products (image courtesy of Tower Extrusions). 


Do you have an aluminum water bottle close at hand? How about your window screens or screen doors? Chances are good that you see aluminum extruded products so often that you don't even notice. Their strength, safety and rust resistance make them a great choice for many uses. Construction, energy, machinery and household goods all depend on these items. Knowing aluminum extruded products manufacturers can help you make valuable connections to them and to all sorts of other manufacturers where these products are used.

Know Your Market

Like most manufacturers, the aluminum extruded products industry faced several COVID-19-related disruptions. Supply chain and workforce shortages affected the industry.

However, unlike some other manufacturing industries, this sector adapted to defeat market conditions. The increased use of robotics enabled more workers to return to the shop floor.

The industry has a mixed market. Many suppliers and manufacturers across the country rely on aluminum extruded products. Their weight-to-strength ratio provides a strong base on which to build.

Before the pandemic, tariffs helped the US industry thrive. The 2018 10% tariff on China’s aluminum helped the stagnating US industry bounce back. China's government-sponsored production had flooded the market. Cheap and readily available products had damaged the US industry. In this case, the tariffs evened the playing field, allowing US industries to succeed and build enough capital to springboard into high-level automation during the pandemic.

Industry Statistics

According to data collected by MNI, there are 208 manufacturers of aluminum extruded products in the US. They employ 25,571 people. This figure is 0.24% higher than last year, showing that the industry overcame its challenges.

Twenty-two percent of US aluminum extruded products manufacturers import their raw materials. This figure is twice the number of US manufacturers as a whole.

Domestic sales figures are roughly equal (66% of US aluminum extruded products manufacturers sell within the nation versus 70% of manufacturers as a whole).

Regionally, US aluminum extruded products companies are located:

• 38% in the Midwest.
• 36% in the South.
• 15% in the West.
• 11% in the Northeast.

Top 10 US Aluminum Extruded Products Manufacturers

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Hydro Extrusion USA, LLCCressonaPA1,100
Western Extrusions Corp.CarrolltonTX950
Crystal Finishing Systems, Inc.SchofieldWI850
Universal Alloy Corp.CantonGA650
Hydro Extrusion Portland, Inc.PortlandOR600
UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries, Inc.LudingtonMI550
Bonnell AluminumNewnanGA500
Erbsloeh Aluminum Solutions, Inc.PortageMI500
Tower Extrusions, Ltd.OlneyTX500
Alexandria Extrusion Co.AlexandriaMN486

About The Top 10 US Aluminum Extruded Products Manufacturers

Hydro Extrusion USA, LLC, is located in Cressona, PN. It employs 1,100 people. The company makes extruded tubes, building systems and low-carbon aluminum for many uses.

Western Extrusions Corp., based in Carrollton, TX, provides cradle-to-recycle services to its customers. The 950 employees work with customers from design through installation. They give one-on-one customer service.

Crystal Finishing Systems, Inc. calls Schofield, WI, home. It was declared an essential industry during COVID-19. This announcement allowed Crystal to run at full force with its 850 workers.

Universal Alloy Corp. employs 650 workers in Canton, GA. The company centers on the aerospace industry. Its strong, lightweight extruded aluminum items are a perfect fit for planes.

Hydro Extrusion Portland, Inc. hails from Portland, OR. The company's 600 employees work in a wide range of product uses. Specialties include energy, metal recycling, batteries and renewables.

UACJ Automotive Whitehall Industries, Inc. is located in Ludington, MI. With 550 workers, the company centers on automotive parts. UACJ works with customers from engineering and design through manufacture.

Bonnell Aluminum, in Newnan, GA, makes extruded aluminum items for many uses. Some of its 500 employees focus on quality flooring trims for home and office buildings. The company started making pre-formed sink frames in the 1930s.

Erbsloeh Aluminum Solutions, Inc. employs 500 people in Portage, MI. The company runs three hydraulic extrusion lines at this location. It makes cross sections for industrial uses.

Tower Extrusions, Ltd. in Olney, TX, is an industry leader in custom extrusions. Its 500 employees work with extruding, finishing, casting and making extruded aluminum.

Alexandria Extrusion Co. employs 486 workers at its Alexandria, MN plant. Their items appear in every part of life. They make parts for recreational vehicles, medical supplies, cars, and many other uses.

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