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Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Inorganic Chemicals

Posted by IndustrySelect on Tuesday, February 15, 2022

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The Covid-19 pandemic caused a slowdown in the supply chain for some industries, but the inorganic chemicals industry has seen an uptick. Over the last year, jobs in the inorganic sector increased by 1.45%, from 88,272 to 89,555.

Much of this growth stems from a higher reliance on imported materials. In fact, the United States now imports 25% of its inorganic materials.

The distribution of inorganic chemicals has changed as well. In 12 months, domestic distribution fell from 70% of plants to 36%. International distribution ro

se from 29% to 47% during the same period. A large number of these companies are public. While public ownership stood at 5% last year, it has increased to 44%.

In Depth: Key Facts & Trends in the U.S. Chemicals Manufacturing Sector

These trends portray an industry that is not only growing but evolving. To successfully do business in this arena, you’ll find it crucial to understand the major players.

The largest number of inorganic chemical producers make their homes in the south, with the Midwest next in line.

The Top 10 Manufacturers of Inorganic Chemicals

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Eastman Chemical Co.KingsportTN7,000
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.AllentownPA3,500
The Lubrizol Corp.WickliffeOH2,000
LyondellBasell IndustriesChannelviewTX1,800
Phillips 66 Co.HoustonTX1,800
The Dow Chemical Co.PlaquemineLA1,600
The Dow Chemical Co.MidlandMI1,530
Shell Chemical Co.Deer ParkTX1,519
Eastman Chemical Company - Texas OperationsLongviewTX1,500
Westlake Chemical Corp.Lake CharlesLA1,250
CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Framatome Inc.LynchburgVA1,300
The Dow Chemical Co.MidlandMI1,100
Westinghouse Electric Co., LLCHopkinsSC1,100
AdvanSix, Inc.HopewellVA1,000
Shell Chemical Co., Geismar Plt.GeismarLA650
Celanese Chemical Ltd.PasadenaTX600
Jacam Chemical Company 2013, LLCSterlingKS600
Momentive Performance Materials Inc.FriendlyWV600
BASF TotalEnergies Petrochemicals LLCPort ArthurTX500

About the Top 10 Manufacturers of Inorganic Chemicals

Learning more about the top 10 manufacturers of inorganic chemicals will help you get a foot in the door to do business. This list will give you a start.

1. Eastman Chemical company employs 7,000 workers in Kingsport, Tennessee. The installation produces both organic and inorganic products and prides itself on innovation. Eastman is also making a big push toward sustainability.

2. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. has 3,500 people on the job in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The company deals with dozens of industries and has paid increasing stockholder dividends for 40 years. Air Products currently focuses on the energy, environmental and emerging markets.

3. The Lubrizol Corp. makes its home in Wickliffe, Ohio, employing 2,000. Lubrizol serves industries worldwide, with everything from fire protection to health care. The company is deeply invested in a code of ethics and expects its business partners to toe the line.

4. LyondellBasell Industries’ complex in Channelview, Texas covers almost 4,000 acres. This vast facility employs 1,800 workers. The chemicals it produces are building blocks for products ranging from food packaging to furniture. Companies around the world use LyondellBasell technologies. It’s even collaborating with Wendy’s to produce a more recyclable drinking cup.

5. Phillips 66 Co. in Houston, Texas is on the cutting edge of lithium-ion battery technology. Its workforce of 1,800 drives innovation to reduce emissions. The company also operates 12 refineries in addition to its chemical business.

6. The Dow Chemical Co. in Plaquemine, Louisiana covers 1,500 acres. It is part of Louisiana operations that produce chemicals to manufacture a wide array of products, including disposable diapers, electronic components and automotive parts. The Plaquemine facility employs 1,600.

7. The Dow Chemical Co. in Midland, Michigan specializes in materials science. It produces industrial intermediates as well as packaging solutions and performance materials. The workforce of 1,530 contributes to making Dow one of the world’s most admired companies.

8. Shell Chemical Co. in Deer Park, Texas is located near significant pipelines and dock facilities to streamline shipping. Its 1,519 workers are highly skilled and run equipment, warehouses, shops and control rooms. The site supplies chemicals to customers in the U.S. and overseas.

9. Eastman Chemical Company - Texas Operations in Longview, Texas manufactures products used in cars, food, cosmetics, toys and personal care items. Eastman earned the top score in Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index. The management is committed to diversity and pays equity for the 1,500 Texas employees and those worldwide.

10. Westlake Chemical Corp. in Lake Charles, Louisiana combines its chemical business with its building products manufacturing. The 1,250 employees at Westlake supply products both domestically and internationally. The company is highly competitive and dedicated to continuous improvement.

 Tapping Into the Chemicals Industry

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