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Top 10 Chemical Manufacturing Plants in the U.S.

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, October 6, 2021

asian female lab worker in protective goggles works with testing equipment

Above: A lab worker at Novartis Pharmaceuticals, among the largest chemical manufacturers in the United States (Image courtesy of Novartis). 


From cleaning chemicals to agricultural chemicals to pharmaceuticals and adhesives, the chemical industry plays an essential role in modern life. Critical to the industry are the sector's manufacturers that churn out millions of products and materials every year, making it a powerful industry to do business with.

Whether you're looking to do business with chemical manufacturers or just plain curious, discover these key facts and statistics on the U.S. chemical industry and the top chemical manufacturers in the U.S. 

Statistics on the U.S. Chemical Industry

According to data collected by MNI, there are currently 14,582 chemical manufacturing facilities in the United States.  More chemical manfuacturers are publicly-owned, compared to the national average. In fact, 20% of these companies are publicly-owned, compared to the national average of 5%. In addition, U.S. chemical manufacturers are major exporters, with 50%  distributing their product internationally, compared to 29% among other manufacturing sectors. 

Yet, chemical manufacturers are more reliant on the global supply chain, with 23% importing raw materials compared to an average 11% amongst all manufacturers. 

Over two thirds of US chemical manufacturing is carried out in the Midwest and the South, with the remaining third taking place in the Northeast and West.

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Next, let's take a look at the top chemical manufacturers in the United States. 

Top 10 Chemical Manufacturing Plants in the U.S.

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Eli Lilly & Co.IndianapolisIN10,157
Merck & Co., Inc.West PointPA9,500
Amgen, Inc.Thousand OaksCA8,000
Eastman Chemical Co.KingsportTN7,000
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.East HanoverNJ5,000
Roche Holdings, Inc.South San FranciscoCA5,000
Pfizer, Inc.New YorkNY4,500
Merck & Co., Inc.RahwayNJ4,200
Amway Corp.AdaMI4,000
Procter & Gamble Co., TheCincinnatiOH4,000

About the Top 10 Chemical Manufacturing Plants in the U.S.

Here are a few highlights of what these facilities bring to both local and global communities.

Eli Lilly & Co.

A staff of 10,157 finds a place with Eli Lilly & Co. in Indianapolis, Indiana. This company, founded in 1876, manufactures pharmaceuticals and has introduced such life-saving medicines as animal-sourced insulin and mass-produced penicillin.

It spends 25.1% of its sales on research and development, remaining at the cutting edge of medical advancements.

Merck & Co., Inc.

At the Merck & Co., Inc. plant in West Point, Pennsylvania, 9,500 employees turn out pharmaceutical products.

Merck has been serving the health needs of the world for 125 years. The company manufactures human and veterinary medicines and vaccines.

Amgen, Inc.

A few years ago, the recombinant protein pharmaceuticals produced by Amgen, Inc. in Thousand Oaks, California, would have sounded like science fiction.

Following a philosophy of "biology first," 8,000 employees strive to bring innovative products to the world.

Eastman Chemical Co.

If you're looking for industrial chemicals and plastic resins, the 7,000 workers at the Eastman Chemical Co. in Kingsport, Tennessee, can serve your needs. George Eastman, inventor and philanthropist, founded the Tennessee site in 1920. It produces materials for paint, plastics and pharmaceuticals.

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

In East Hanover, New Jersey, a staff of 5,000 produce pharmaceuticals at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.

Novartis was one of Fortune's most admired pharmaceutical companies in 2020. The company is planning to initiate a clinical study of its product Jakavi® as a possible treatment for severely affected coronavirus patients.

Roche Holdings, Inc.

Protein-based biotherapeutics are the focus of the 5,000 employees at Roche Holdings, Inc. in South San Francisco, California.

Since its founding in 1896, Roche has been working toward a healthier world. At this moment of crisis, it has tasked itself with the rapid delivery of COVID-19 testing. It is also investigating the treatment of pneumonia, critical to the survival of coronavirus patients.

Pfizer, Inc.

You'll readily recognize products manufactured by the 4,500 workers at Pfizer, Inc. in New York, New York.

Familiar brands include Advil®, Chapstick® and Robitussin®. Pfizer is committed not only to improving global health but also to protecting the environment.

Merck & Co.

George Merck dedicated the research campus in Rahway, New Jersey, in 1929, despite the perilous financial condition of the country at the time.

He was devoted to the premise that medicines are for people. Now, when we face another serious crisis, the 4,200 employees at the Merck and Co., Inc. facility in Rahway are still following his lead to free humanity from the ravages of disease.

Amway Corp.

You will find products produced by the 4,000 workers at Amway Corp. in Ada, Michigan, in homes throughout the nation. From supplements to skincare to air and water treatments, Amway serves consumer health needs.

At this time, when many Americans are searching for new sources of income, Amway also presents a low-risk way to start a business.

The Procter & Gamble Co.

Pharmacies remain open, and The Procter & Gamble Co. keeps the shelves stocked with everything from Pampers® diapers to Crest® toothpaste, Pantene® shampoo to Charmin® toilet tissue.

At the Procter and Gamble plant in Cincinnati, Ohio, 4,000 employees work hard to keep the public clean and comfortable.

Looking for Leads in the Chemical Industry?

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Looking for chemical supplies? Search, source & quote for free on IndustryNet. 


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