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Nanotech Energy to Bring Non-Flammable Lithium-Ion Batteries to Market with New California Factory

Posted by IndustrySelect on Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Nanotech's Chief Operating Officer Scott Laine delivered remarks about the company's expansion at the new factory's groundbreaking ceremony on November 2nd.

Above: Nanotech's Chief Operating Officer Scott Laine delivered remarks about the company's expansion at the new factory's groundbreaking ceremony on November 2nd.

Nanotech Energy announced this month that it has broken ground on a new high-tech factory in Chico, California. To be located at the Chico Technology Center, which currently houses Nanotech Energy’s R & D center, the new factory will further Nanotech Energy’s goal to bring safer battery technology to the market.

Nanotech Energy specializes in graphene-based energy storage products, used in multiple applications such as non-flammable lithium-ion batteries, conductive electrodes and inks and printed electronics.

As demand for safer lithium-ion batteries continues to soar with the growth of the EV market, Nanotech Energy is at the forefront of producing graphene-powered lithium-ion batteries that are non-flammable. Holding 42 patents, Nanotech Energy is the only company in the world capable of producing lithium-ion batteries that are both non-flammable and cost-effective.

Chief Operating Officer, Scott Laine, said at the groundbreaking ceremony "Battery companies globally are racing to create this type of technology by 2030. We are ready to bring it to market now."

The new facility in Chico is expected to be completed in 2023. As a part of the expansion, Nanotech Energy plans to hire 130 workers. The company is also in the process of building a 517-acre high-volume manufacturing location in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center.

Nanotech Energy was founded in 2014 by Dr. Jack Kavanaugh and UCLA scientists, Dr. Richard Kaner and Dr. Maher El-Kady.



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