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My Morning Routine Powered by U.S. Manufacturers

Posted by Kati McDermith - MNI Brand Ambassador on Thursday, September 2, 2021


Part One: My Morning Powered by U.S. Manufacturers

I don’t know about you readers, but I love routines! In fact, I love watching others’ routines on YouTube. I customized and printed my own routine cards to keep my days running smoothly.

If I find myself getting distracted, I can always grab my routine cards and go through them.

I have a card for my morning routine, work routine, evening routine, and I even have one for every day of the week.

I have routine cards to cover parts of my other routine cards. Just to be safe 😉

And since I also love US manufacturers, I thought I would share with you my morning routine thanks to US manufacturers!

A Made-in-America Morning

5:00am: first alarm goes

5:30 am: second alarm goes off

6:00 am: the third alarm goes off and I kick off the blankets and start with a prayer for my day.

My alarm? My iPhone11 is my daily support device.

It is difficult to tell if my phone was made in TX or overseas, so let’s just point out here that Apple does in fact manufacture in Austin TX!

I wash my face with Burt’s Bees Sensitive facial toner, and I brush my teeth with Sensodyne whitening (sadly my toothbrush is not made in the USA. This sent me looking for a toothbrush that is made in America. We are seriously lacking here guys!)

6:30 am: I head to the kitchen to make my husband’s lunch and make my coffee. This might be my favorite part of my whole day.

My go to absolute favorite coffee is Collectivo Blue Heeler (Or Maximillion).

From spring to fall my preferred method of coffee is my personal homemade cold brew.

I have a few different cold brewers at home, but my favorite surprisingly is the one I recently purchased from Tupperware.

So I just mix together my cold brew and my coffeemate (Nestle) coconut creamer and ice. I really l like the new Ball Aluminum cups. They are strong, reusable, recyclable and I pop on a plastic lid and drink through a straw. And since my neighbors like my iced coffees, I can easily make some and deliver them with a smile!

6:45am: Time to get ready!

This is my biggest WFH productivity tip. I have been working from home (Telecommuting) since 2012 and ”getting ready” has always been my best practice.

You all understand the psychology behind it, I’m sure.

I just have nightmares about being caught in my PJs and messy hair if my boss (or favorite customer) ever decides to have an impromptu video meeting!

Today I am picking my absolute favorite sweatshirt of all time.This thing is good luck, I tell ya! I have never looked bad in it, and I am guaranteed to have a good day!

This sweatshirt is from The Duck Co.

I purchased it at a little shop in Deadwood SD in spring of 2021. (And I will be acquiring another this fall when I head back west) I usually wear it over a T-shirt or tank top and paired with either jeans or leggings that I purchase from my favorite local boutiques.

I rotate Shea Moisture silicone free miracle styler leave in treatment, and Batiste dry shampoo.

Before I head to my desk, my coworker (Lily, the deaf Staffy pup) needs her allergy pills and her treat, Merrick Fresh Kisses.

7:00am: I am at my desk. I have commandeered the dining room and repurposed my dining table as my desk.

Since 2012 I have been with MNI, the nation’s go-to for manufacturing data, and I absolutely adore my job as Brand Ambassador.

I work with manufacturers and industrial type suppliers to uncover new business and to help them gain exposure for their business. In a sentence, I connect buyers and sellers in the manufacturing industry.

It amazes me how much of my day is surrounded by U.S. manufacturers!

It’s not just my job, I really love the manufacturing industry and I try my best to purchase items made in the USA.

I wonder how many tools used during your day you can source back to a USA manufacturer?

This is the first in a series I hope to be able to continue for a long time. I hope you enjoyed this look into my morning routine. I can be found on LinkedIn if you want to connect. My email is kmcdermith@mni.net and I am always excited to talk about IndustrySelect or IndustryNet if you are interested.

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